
The Importance of Nutrition and Lifestyle for Mental Health

The Importance of Nutrition and Lifestyle for Mental Health

The Importance of Nutrition and Lifestyle for Mental Health
Nutrition and Lifestyle for Mental Health

This article has been written on the basis of the experiences of the two Indian doctors, who had served their services for more than 30 years in the Indian state Rajasthan. According to these, there are several reasons for deteriorating mental health but most of the reasons are temporary and non-medical.

  1. Question: – Which lifestyle and thoughts are main?

      Answer – The main reason for the lifestyle is that the body does not get proper nutrition and environment.

   2. Question: – What is the amount of essential nutrition required by the body for mental health and from which foods you can get these nutrients?

       Answer – The essential nutrients (Minerals and vitamins) required by the human body are vitamin B complex (including vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12) calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper with these main nutrition requirements some micronutrients are also required but the requirement will fulfill with a proper diet of food which contain these nutrients.

Responsible for Mental Health

Some, lifestyle and thoughts (thinking pattern) are also responsible for mental health.

issues like not doing proper exercise and addiction etc.

In brief, they suggested that for B vitamins these foods are essential for vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Vegetarians: Milk and milk products, beans, nuts, green vegetables, seeds, Cereals, Avocados sweet potatoes, mushrooms.

Non-Vegetarians: Egg, Meat (Pork, beef), Fish (tuna, salmon, etc.), Animal liver.

In most of the patients with numbness in the brain hands and feet, tingling legs, headache, depression, anxiety, psychological problem, memory issues dementia, confusion, and depression the most common thing was vitamin b12 deficiency, vitamin b12 is among the most vital nutrient for human brains. Most vegans suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin, and this affects the human brain adversely.

Vitamin B12

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin b12 for an adult is 2.4 Mcg.

This is among the most vital nutrients for the human brain and heart. Around 50% of Indians suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin.

In access deficiency of this vitamin or in emergency situations doctors prescribed heavy dose injections, and medicines to fulfill of this vitamin.

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While not taking proper treatment on time affects the memory, thinking, and learning patterns of a human being forever. That’s why it is important to include foods containing vitamin B12 in your diet.

With aging the human body’s capacity to absorb this vitamin gets reduced and people should increase their intake of this vitamin-rich food with age while feeling symptoms of the deficiency of this vitamin one should take immediate doctor’s consultation.

In a vegetarian diet, this vitamin is present in only milk and milk products that’s why in ancient India there was a tradition of cradle cow.

So, that there is no shortage of milk and milk products for the family members.

100 ml of milk contains 0.5 micrograms of vitamin B12, a person’s daily requirement is 2.4 micrograms so, for an adult daily requirement of milk is around 500 ml.

According to age recommended dietary allowance is of vitamin B12 is:




Required Milk

0-6 Months

0.4 Mcg

0.4 Mcg

100ml minimum

7-12 Months

0.5 Mcg

0.5 Mcg

125ml minimum

1-3 Years

0.9 Mcg

0.9 Mcg

200ml minimum

4-8 Years

1.2 Mcg

1.2 Mcg

300ml minimum

9-13 Years

1.8 Mcg

1.8 Mcg

400ml minimum

14+ Years

2.4 Mcg

2.4 Mcg

500ml minimum

Pregnant woman


2.6 Mcg

550ml minimum

Lactating Woman


2.8 Mcg

600ml minimum

Other milk products also possess this vitamin.

Another B vitamin that is essential for mental health, a healthy brain and nervous system is vitamin B9(Folic Acid).

The roles of folic acid in a human body are:

  • Folic acid is a B vitamin that is essential for building red blood cells in the human body.
  • Folic acid supplements prevent neural tube defects in infants.
  • Prevents and treats anemia.
  • It helps the body to build healthy and new cells.
  • It is very essential for pregnant women and women who are expecting pregnancy.
  • Sufficient intake of folic acid before and during pregnancy can save the child from brain and spinal
    cord birth defects.

Food products that are rich in folic acid are:

  • Green Leafy vegetables
  • Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes are rich in folate.
  • Beans (Peas, Kidney beans, chickpeas)
  • Nuts, Seeds
  • Whole grains, Pulses.

Consuming a good quantity of green vegetables, pulses, whole grains, dry fruits, seeds, and citrus fruits fulfills the requirement of folic acid in the human body.

Recommended Dietary Allowance of folic acid for the human body is:

Life Stage

Recommended Dietary Allowances

0-6 Months

65 Microgram

7-12 Months

80 Microgram

1-3 Years

150 Microgram

4-8 Years

200 Microgram

9-12 Years

300 Microgram

14+ Years

400 Microgram

Pregnant Women

600 Microgram

Lactating Mother

500 Microgram

Amino Acids

Amino acids produce neurotransmitters that are brain chemicals present in the human brain mainly dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine are the three main brain chemicals that are present in the human brain, along with these 3 a total of 40 neurochemicals are present in the human brain. The main amino acids for the human brain are Tryptophan and Tyrosine.

The main sources of amino acids are:

  • Vegetarian: Milk and milk products, Quinoa, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, mushroom seeds, beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, etc.
  • Non-Vegetarian: Egg, Fish, Poultry.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

In many studies, it has been observed that consuming omega-3 fatty acid is beneficial in many mental conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), etc. In addition, some studies have shown that in countries where people consume more fish in these countries, people suffer from less depression and anxiety problems.

The main sources of omega-3 fatty acid are:

  • Vegetarian: Flaxseed, Walnut, Chia Seeds, Flaxseed Oil, Canola oil.
  • Non-Vegetarian: Salmon Fish, Sardine Fish.

Vitamin D

For mental health, vitamin D is equally important as it is important for physical health. There are research that show that a deficiency in vitamin D in the human body shows symptoms of depression in a person.

Sun rays are a very good source of vitamin D, In addition to sun rays following food products are very good sources of Vitamin D that’s why there is a culture of having sunbath in many countries.

Following are the rich sources of vitamin D:

  • Vegetarian: Kale, Orange, Milk, Milk products, Mushroom, Fortified Cereal.
  • Non-Vegetarian: Salmon Fish, Tuna Fish, Egg, Cod Liver Oil.


Magnesium plays a vital role between the brain and body of a human being. Magnesium is the third most abundant mineral in the human body. Magnesium is responsible for hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the human body that affect bones, blood sugar, the nervous system, and brain cells.

Magnesium is an important component for the proper working of a human brain, this component plays a very important role in the working of neurotransmitters in the human brain. when a person consumes a sufficient amount of magnesium the chances of getting better neurological health get increases.


Calcium plays a vital role in the smooth transmission of nervous impulses and overall health condition and harmony.
A deficiency of calcium (Hypocalcemia) can affect the brain with time it can affect the human brain and can create illusions, memory loss, and depression-like nervous system-related problems as the levels of calcium get normal the condition gets normal.

The main bodily functions of calcium in human body:

  • Calcium signals control the flow of blood in the human brain.
  • Calcium involves in transmitting nerve signals.
  • Calcium involves in contracting muscle function.
  • Calcium involves in blood vessel function.
  • Calcium involves in clotting blood function.
The Recommended Daily Allowance of calcium:






0-6 Months

200 mg

200 mg



7-12 Months

260 mg

260 mg



1-3 Years

700 mg

700 mg



4-8 Years

1000 mg

1000 mg



9-13 Years

1300 mg

1300 mg



14-18 Years

1300 mg

1300 mg

1300 mg

1300 mg

19-50 Years

1000 mg

1000 mg

1000 mg

1000 mg

51-70 Years

1000 mg

1200 mg



>70 Years

1200 mg

1200 mg



The main sources of calcium-rich food are:

  • Vegetarian: Dairy (Milk and Milk Products), Green vegetables, Seeds, Nuts, and Some Fruits such as Kiwi, Orange, Figs etc.
  • Non-Vegetarian: Bombay duck dried fish, Mackerel, Lobster, Sardine, Prawn.

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A safe amount of copper is also very beneficial to stay healthy it helps in the absorption of iron and, therefore it helps in preventing anemia. Its deficiency can cause degeneration of nervous system.

The main sources of copper-rich food are:

  • Vegetarian: Shiitake Mushrooms, Firm Tofu, Sweet Potatoes, Sesame Seeds, Cashews, Chickpeas, Dark Chocolate, Avocados.
  • Non-Vegetarian: Oysters, Salmon

In ancient India, copper utensils were used to drink water. People thought drinking water in a copper utensil is very beneficial for health.

For a healthy mind, the thoughts and thinking pattern of a person is also important:

There are many other emotional and circumstantial reasons:

  1.  Competition in Society.
  2.  Comparison ourselves with others.
  3.  Inferiority Complex. 
  4.  Family issues.
  5.  Love affairs break up in relation.
  6.  Failure in Examination.
  7.  Hurdles in Life.
  8.  Some incidents and accidents such as death of near and dear one.
  9.  Loss in business or job.
  10.  Thinking Pattern (insecurity, fear, over possession on someone) 

These are the factors for stress and anxiety. Mental stress causes many mental and physical health related problems, such as:

1. Ischemia to the Heart.

Mental stress can cause pain in the heart, and it reduces the flow of blood in the heart which can be the cause of heart attack.

2. Broken Heart Syndrome

Severe stress can increase the risk of broken heart syndrome, weakening and dysfunctioning of the left ventricle of the heart, this can cause cardiomyopathy (weakening of heart muscle) due to increased stress hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine). Most of the time people recover from this syndrome. But sometimes it gets serious and can cause even death.

3. High Blood Pressure

Chronic stress increases stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, this raises blood pressure harms the heart functioning, and increases the risk of heart disease.

4. Insomnia Due to Stress

Stress can lead to insomnia; insomnia is very much common in people suffering from stress and anxiety.

5. Stress-Induced Anxiety

Stress can lead to anxiety, insomnia, pressure on chest, panic attacks.

6. Stress-Induced Depression

Now, the question is how to make ourselves mentally fit, and the answer is that the thoughts of a mentally fit person are strong, thinking is clear.

7. Stress-Induced High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia)

 The release of stress-hormone, i.e., epinephrine and cortisol increase the blood sugar level it also harms the pancreas and can   be cause of early diabetes. 

8. Stress-Induced Nausea, Diarrhea, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

Stress causes GI (gastrointestinal) issues nausea, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

9.  Irregular Painful Periods

Stress can also affect the hormones that regulate the reproductive system and menstrual period.

Now, the question is that how to overcome these mental health issues and make your mental health sound. So, we will see how we can make ourselves mentally fit.

Ways to Become Mentally Sound, Alert, and Fit:
  1. Eat healthy and nutritious food, especially food rich in calcium, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin b12.
  2. Follow your hobbies and do some social work like gardening, planting trees, and helping some one who is unprivileged.
  3. Sun gazing in the early morning for 5 minutes within one hour of sunrise after washing your eyes with cold and fresh water, sun gazing makes the mind strong, and focused, and increases the learning skills and active working hours of a person.
  4. After doing sun gazing one can follow the path of mindful meditation,  mindful meditation is a way to clean the mind and make the mind clear and increasing the strength of the mind and gradually moving towards the path of spirituality and truth.
  5. Always keep your thoughts serene, if you keep your thoughts serene you will never regret  on your decision.
  6. Wisdom is most important, nothing is costlier than wisdom, do not destroy your mind in any situation, it is the most important tool to overcome any situation.
  7. The most important tool I have found in my life I was very much depressed and always been in anxiety, somebody suggested me vipassana camp, I attended it for 10 days I had learnt the path of truth, pure religion which changed my way of thinking and view towards life after attending this camp whatever I learnt is most precious, It is not necessary to attend the camp there are 10 days camp videos available on YouTube, in these videos S.N Goenka Ji teachings are very effective these videos of almost 1 hr. each, if a person watches all the videos sincerely he will learn the logic behind the human life, It will change their way of thinking towards life and will lead their life toward deeds, pure religion, and courage.

I wish this article will help anybody who is facing mental health issues to overcome these issues.

I wish all the readers a meaningful, cheerful, pure, and healthy life.

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